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Models of the value of sentence parts

Model 1. sentence > clause > phrase > word

A sentence is more important than a clause, a clause is more important than a phrase, and a phrase is more important than a word

Model 2. independent (or main) clause > dependent clause

An independent clause is more important than a dependent clause

Model 3. subordinate clause > relative clause

A subordinate clause is more important than a restrictive or nonrestrictive relative clause

Model 4. noun = verb > adjective = adverb

Nouns and verbs are more important than adjectives and adverbs

Model 5. coordinating conjunctions and the semicolon indicate a coordinate (equal) relationship

The semicolon and the coordinating conjunctions and, but, yet, for, or, and nor connect ideas of equal importance

Model 6. adverbial conjunctions indicate a near-coordinate relationship

The adverbial conjunctions however, thus, therefore, in particular, also etc. connect ideas of nearly equal importance

Model 7. subordinating conjunctions indicate a subordinate relationship

The subordinating conjunctions although, since, as, because, etc. connect ideas of unequal importance

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