The new standard in science reporting
Thousands of scientists in all fields - from basic sciences to clinical subspecialties - use Dmed's full-stack communications platform to write and edit their papers, publish their research, and power their careers.
- Manuscript editing
- Medical writing
- Paper Rescue
- Presentations
- Journal submission
- Translation
- Response to reviewers
- Pharma/CRO/Institutions

A powerful, fully integrated platform for research scientists
We bring together everything that's required to report your science to the international science community. Dmed's services will translate your manuscript, edit and write your paper, optimise your conference presentations, and support the submission of your paper.
We also help researchers negotiate with journals, learn how to write, rescue their rejected papers, and much more.

Bring out the full value of your research
You are at the center of everything we do. Our goal is to maximize your research impact, showcase your scientific competence, and power your career.
We achieve this through a unique analytical approach, based around two key practices: collaboration between your and our teams, and iteration for continuous improvement.

Collaborate for new insights
For your paper, work with your Dmed editor in Q&A, swapping comments and exchanging ideas. Each exchange strengthens your paper, and brings out the full value of your research.

Iterate for continuous improvement
Use iteration across multiple versions to reveal hidden insights and bring out new ideas for discussion with your research team. Work with your Dmed editors through multiple versions, applying the benefits of collaboration at each stage, and finally present your best work.
Collaborative Editing
Peer review is a black box. Collaborative Editing gives your paper a head start.
The heterogeneity of peer review is established. Collaborative Editing’s collaborative and iterative approach works like a stress-test for your paper before submission, capturing and correcting errors before submission. We can’t anticipate everything your reviewers might say. But we can help tip the balance in favor of “accept”.

Medical Writing

Write your paper with Dmed Write.
The age of professional medical writing is here. Use Dmed Write's professional medical writers to get your paper written up and ready for submission. With translation too, if you need it. Join thousands of Japan’s leading researchers who write and publish their research with Dmed.
*Complete and ready to submit. Professional and ethical medical writing. From ¥125,000.
years in business
fields we’ve worked in
researchers trained
total authors
Dmed Solutions
Embed Dmed into your journal, institution and pharma.
Internationalise your operations
Embed Dmed’s analytical approach into your team, from virtually, to a single lab, to on-site at an entire institution or company. Select from a range of programs to support your institution, from the smallest lab to the largest university.
Unmatched institutional experience
Experience counts. Since 1995, Dmed has been the sole editing provider to a Top 3 Japanese pharma. And we’ve worked with nearly every major Japanese and international pharma and CRO. Partner with Dmed and get the benefits of our highly experienced editing, writing, translation and training teams.
Service Menu
The complete toolkit for science communications.
From editing to presentations, from single researchers to departments and whole institutions. Dmed's full-stack services provide the tools to help every researcher unleash their full potential.

Collaborative Editing
Dmed’s collaborative editing and authoring brings out the best of your paper. It's the best way to bring out the full value of your research.

Dmed Write
Yesterday's authors wrote their papers themselves. Today's authors outsources to paper writing experts: Dmed's professional medical writers.

Paper Rescue
Good science but rejected paper? Paper Rescue's intensive writing and editing will get your rejected paper published. Refocus your ideas, retell your story and rewrite your paper - that's Paper Rescue.

Dmed’s translators work only in the medical and life sciences fields. Your translated document will say exactly what you mean.
Ready to get started?
Contact Usor call 03-6459-1545
Mon-Fri 9:30-18:00