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Rule 3: Keep related ideas together

Ideas which are logically related should be kept together, and not separated by unrelated ideas.

Here, the dosage information is separated by the test animal:

"Pharmakokinetic parameters were measured after A1single oral administration of XP259 Bto rats A2at 10 mg/kg."


"Pharmakokinetic parameters were measured after A1single oral administration of XP259 A2at 10 mg/kg Bto rats."

Example 1:

"We reported a computerized dispensing system which reduces the time needed to prepare medicines for the first time in 1991."


"We first reported in 1991 a computerized dispensing system which reduces the time needed to prepare medicines."

Example 2:

In the next example, the idea of informed consent incorrectly separates information about blood sampling procedures:

"Blood was collected just before hemodialysis under informed consent using polypropelene syringes and a 1/10 volume of 3.8% sodium citrate as an anticoagulant."

In fact, this sentence says that hemodyalisis was done under informed consent! To keep the related units together, move the informed consent information to an introductory position:

"After informed consent was obtained, blood was collected just before hemodialysis using polypropelene syringes and a 1/10 volume of 3.8% sodium citrate as an anticoagulant."

Example 3:

This example is from a report concerning a new intravascular filter:

"Migration was diagnosed when the filter moved in either direction by more than half the height of a lumbar vertebral body. This criterium was used because the filter was seen to move about half the height of the vertebral body with respiratory motion under fluoroscopic observation."

Keeping observational information together:

"Migration was diagnosed when the filter moved in either direction by more than half the height of a lumbar vertebral body. This criterium was used because under fluoroscopy the filter was seen to move about half the height of the vertebral body with respiratory motion."

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