"Pharmakokinetic parameters were measured after A1single oral administration of XP259 Bto rats A2at 10 mg/kg."
"Pharmakokinetic parameters were measured after A1single oral administration of XP259 A2at 10 mg/kg Bto rats."
"We reported a computerized dispensing system which reduces the time needed to prepare medicines for the first time in 1991."
"We first reported in 1991 a computerized dispensing system which reduces the time needed to prepare medicines."
例 2
"Blood was collected just before hemodialysis under informed consent using polypropelene syringes and a 1/10 volume of 3.8% sodium citrate as an anticoagulant."
"After informed consent was obtained, blood was collected just before hemodialysis using polypropelene syringes and a 1/10 volume of 3.8% sodium citrate as an anticoagulant."
例 3
"Migration was diagnosed when the filter moved in either direction by more than half the height of a lumbar vertebral body. This criterium was used because the filter was seen to move about half the height of the vertebral body with respiratory motion under fluoroscopic observation."
「フィルターが腰椎骨 体部の半分以上の高さまでいずれかの方向に動いていた場合に、移動があるものと診断された。この基準を選択した理由は、透視観察下で呼吸運動と共にフィルターの動きが、椎骨体部の半分の高さ程度まで動くことが観察されたことによる」
"Migration was diagnosed when the filter moved in either direction by more than half the height of a lumbar vertebral body. This criterium was used because under fluoroscopy the filter was seen to move about half the height of the vertebral body with respiratory motion."
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- 読みやすい英文の書き方
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