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To calculate your word count, includes all text in the title page, abstract, main body, and declarations. In your figures and tables, include all text, but numerals. Don’t include references. All prices include Japanese consumption tax.

Charges for Brief

Word Count Charge
<350 words 8,250
500 13,200
1,000 19,250
1,500 23,100
2,000 26,950
2,500 30,800
3,000 34,650
3,500 38,500
4,000 42,350
4,500 46,200
5,000 50,050
5,500 53,900
6,000 57,750
6,500 61,600
7,000 65,450
7,500 69,300
>8000 contact us

Charges for Standard

Word Count Charge
<350 words 8,250
500 15,400
1,000 27,500
1,500 33,000
2,000 38,500
2,500 44,000
3,000 49,500
3,500 55,000
4,000 60,500
4,500 66,000
5,000 71,500
5,500 77,000
6,000 82,500
6,500 88,000
7,000 93,500
7,500 99,000
>8000 contact us

Charges for Standard Plus

Word Count Charge
<350 words 13,860
500 19,250
1,000 35,750
1,500 42,900
2,000 50,050
2,500 57,200
3,000 64,350
3,500 71,500
4,000 78,650
4,500 85,800
5,000 92,950
5,500 100,100
6,000 107,250
6,500 114,400
7,000 121,550
7,500 128,700
>8000 contact us