次の例では、aの方がBよりも容易・明確なの で、aをBの前に置きます。
"In 2 studies the quality of life was not assessable because of a Brapid deterioration of the patients’ physical and cognitive status and apoor compliance."
"In 2 studies the quality of life was not assessable because of apoor compliance and a Brapid deterioration of the patients’ physical and cognitive status."
例 題
① 要点は文の最後に:
"Calcium entry blocking drugs and ß-adrenoreceptor blocking drugs are widely used in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. However, despite their efficacy in the treatment of angina pectoris, it is recognized that treatment with either type of drug alone is frequently not fully effective against all types of angina pectoris because of their different mechanisms of action."
② 簡単なものを難しいものの 前に:
"The test drugs were administered intravenously through a femoral cannula or orally."
③ 新しい情報の前に既知の情報を:
"We investigated the effects of XP-538 on diurnal variation in blood pressure in hospitalized patients with essential hypertension. Diurnal amplitude, diurnal range and coefficient of diurnal range were compared between the observation and treatment periods to assess diurnal variation."
「私たちは、本態性高血圧症で入院中の患者の血圧の日内変動に対するXP-538の効果を調べた。日中の振幅、日較差、日較差の係数が、治療期間と観察期間の日 中の変動を調べるために比較された。」
① 要点は文の最後に:
"Calcium entry blocking drugs and ß-adrenoreceptor blocking drugs are widely used in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. However adespite their efficacy in the treatment of angina pectoris, it is recognized that, bbecause of their different mechanisms of action, Ctreatment with either type of drug alone is frequently not fully effective against all types of angina pectoris."
「カルシウム拮抗薬と∂-アドレナリン受 容体阻害剤は、心血管疾患の治療に広く使われている。これらの薬剤は狭心症の治療に効果的であるが、作用機序が異なるため、どちらか片方の薬だけの治療では、全てのタイプの狭心症に対して完全には効果がないことが多い、と認識されている。」
② 簡単なものを難しいものの 前に:
"The test drugs were administered orally or intravenously through a femoral cannula."
③ 新しい情報の前に既知の情報を:
"We investigated the effects of XP-538 on diurnal variation in blood pressure in hospitalized patients with essential hypertension. Variation was assessed by comparing diurnal amplitude, diurnal range and coefficient of diurnal range between the observation and treatment periods."
「私たちは、本態性高血圧症で入院中の患者の血圧の日内変動に対する XP-538の効果を調べた。変動は、観察期間と治療期間における日中の振幅、日較差、日較差の係数を比較することによって評価された。」
Next articles
- 読みやすい英文の書き方
- ルール1: 要点は最後に
- ルール2:既知の情報を新しい情報の前に
- ルール3:関係のある概念はひとまとめに
- ルール4:簡単な内容は、難しい内容の前に