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Rejection letter

April 17th, 2008, by Guy Harris


Thank you for submitting your manuscript to X Journal. The reviewers and I concur [同じ意見だった], however, that it is not suitable for publication and we enclose pertinent [主要な] comments for your records.


コメントでは‘not suitable for publication’ と書かれていますが、これは‘cannot be accepted in its current form’ と同じ意味です。



At the outset I congratulate the authors for having investigated the issue of X in a well-conducted prospective study.


The authors should be commended [推奨する] for their interest in an important topic about X using the Y model.


私は以下の励ましの手紙を出しました。 メッセージは彼宛ですが、論文が通らないことで常日頃落胆しがちな研究者の方たちにもぜひ読んでいただきたいと思います。

Dear Dr A,

I appreciate your discouragement. However, I would like you to be aware that we see many papers that are rejected for no discernable [明確な] reason. I think it is an unavoidable risk for any author, regardless of the quality of their research, and hope you will see it only as a minor interruption. It seems that the more papers an author publishes, the more likely it is that he will experience a paper which is rejected for no apparent or discernable reason.

So I hope this does not discourage you too much. As always, we are ready to support your next submission.




Article written by Guy Harris